Tuesday, December 1, 2009

After much work there are currently seven pieces in the monoQRom collection.
4 of them are 8x8 inch, 1 16x20 inch, 1 4x4 inches, and the largest at 24x36 inches.
:) Here are some pics.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Alright so I couldn't help myself I have already posted the bear to the 3d warehouse.

This is unrelated to the monoQRom project, but it looks really cool.
Its a bear designed using google Sketchup which I just learned how to use in the past
two days. I will post this bear to the 3d model warehouse, so keep your eye out for it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

here are a couple more paintings on mounted canvas. (There is an intermediate picture and then the finalized product) 

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

finally the qr-project has a grown up title and here it is...............

This was a test to see if I could paint a
qr code accurately enough that it could still be decoded.
Gladly (and somewhat surprisingly it worked).

This is a 16 by 20 inch canvas board.
Two instances of the same qr code are
painted on it (using acrylic based paint).
The larger one is 6x6 inches and the smaller
is 2.5x2.5 inches.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Currently working on a senior thesis project entitled the Q.R.code project.
The work is an exploration of virtual space and how that relates to art. The art is aliased by physical objects, in this case canvases with paintings of qr codes. The piece is reminiscent of Robert Rauschenberg's 1951 "white paintings" where the lack of images was actually the art, here the lack of human legible images is the art. Utilizing the qr code or quick response code, (a type of matrix code), the viewer is faced with what seems a plain repetive image that resembles a price tag. The codes can be read via cell phone, they will link to images of my artwork created in illustrator.

Hello World!

Hello everyone welcome to my new blog check back soon for art news:)